Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Clothes Influencing Attitudes

Can the way that you dress affect the way that you feel? According to Winthrop University students, yes it can. 
"Definitely," says IMC sophomore Katherine Rhoden, "If you think you look good then you have a lot of confidence to do anything."
Katherine Rhoden 

Rhoden is not the only one that believes clothes can make or break a person's mood. French exchange student Annabel Dominault also agrees by saying how people who are usually unhappy tend to gravitate toward colors that can portray sadness like black or grey.
Annabel Dominault

According to this article from research is being conducted to support this idea. The article talks about how research has already been done about women attaching emotions to clothing based on past experiences that happened when wearing them. When Rhoden is feeling her absolute best she says that she is usually wearing, "skinny jeans and boots.