Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Importance of Style: A College Student's Perspective

The terms "fashion" and "style" are often used synonymously when being discussed though it should be noted that there is a difference.
While fashion refers to the designs and trends that are given to the public from fashion designers, style focuses more on how someone puts certain pieces together. Recently, there has been a steadily growing interest in style as opposed to fashion, with inspiration coming right off of the people on the streets that we walk on. 
In college, personal style is something that everyone has, even if they are unaware of it. It's in the pieces we choose, how we decide to wear them, and even in what we don't decide to wear. Our personal style is a part of how we are identified by friends and strangers alike. 
In this article from Psychology Today the author discusses how style is more about "character" and "attitude", and talks about how it can help define an individual. 
Another article here found in the New York Times discusses how important both fashion and style has become on college campuses, mentioning how students have moved on from the "graphic tees and sweatpants" that were once associated with college students in the past. 
In the following links I have provided a video and a slideshow giving a taste of the styles of students from my school, Winthrop University. 
Also, don't hesitate to check out www.collegefashion.net/ for fashion and style tips and inspiration from college students nationwide.

A beautiful dress on a beautiful day. 

So much personality in this passing class. 
All smiles on Scholar's Walk. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Story of Winthrop: College of Visual and Performing Arts

McLaurin Hall houses the main office of Winthrop University's College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA).  Winthrop is one of few liberal arts schools with nationally accredited programs in art, design, theatre, dance, and music.
They're Mission Statement, found on Winthrop's web site, reads:
 "The College of Visual and Performing Arts at Winthrop University offers nationally accredited programs in art, design, theatre, dance, and music, and provides academically challenging instruction in an interdisciplinary environment that inspires and prepares the next generation of artists, educators, scholars, and audiences. We promote intellectual inquiry and collaborative opportunities that encourage each student to develop a uniquely creative vision cultivated through artistry, teaching, scholarship, public performance, and community engagement."
McLaurin Hall
The College of Visual and Performing Arts is known for providing the Winthrop and Rock Hill community with quality events in the arts with things ranging from galleries to shows available for anyone to attend. 

Doing this project was a little difficult because I had so many interviews that I wanted to use within the time allotted for the video. I also had a few times where my camera wouldn't cooperate so unfortunately one of my interviews had to be filmed with my iPhone camera. 

Overall this was an interesting topic and I was able to meet new and interesting people.
Additional information on the CVPA along with information regarding related activities can be found on their website at http://www2.winthrop.edu/arts
My video can be found here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Watch Out Sue Storm, There May Be Better Use For Your Powers

It appears that comic book characters aren't the only ones with special uses for invisibility.
According to Winthrop University students (and a few others) being invisible for a day opens up a world of opportunity that ranges from robbing banks to spying on friends.
This cutie had a creative way to use this superpower.
This was an interesting topic because being invisible is a very rare occasion where a person could do absolutely whatever they want. Hearing people's responses proved to be entertaining.
It's hard to keep a straight face with such devious plans.
What surprised me the most about this was the variety of answers heard. Some were expected, like robbing a bank or pranking innocent bystanders but some were rather unusual. For a few laughs and maybe a little head scratching feel free to check out the video here.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Exploring University's Historic Art Building

Winthrop University is one of the oldest schools in the state of South Carolina.
As a result, Winthrop is also home to some of the oldest and most historic buildings. As a journalism student, looking into the history of one of the university's oldest buildings resulted in some interesting finds.
The most shocking to me was the fact that a dome was on top. I can honestly say that in my three years of attending this school and all the times I passed Rutledge I never noticed it.
Front View of Rutledge Building with dome.
Another interesting fact I found was that Andrew Carnegie provided funding for Rutledge to be built, and it was previously named after him.
Photo courtesy of Google Images.

I remember being drawn to Rutledge Building since the first time I stepped foot on Winthrop University's campus, and looking into it's history and finding things that I didn't know existed was fun. For additional information and more of my discoveries check out my video here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Clothes Influencing Attitudes

Can the way that you dress affect the way that you feel? According to Winthrop University students, yes it can. 
"Definitely," says IMC sophomore Katherine Rhoden, "If you think you look good then you have a lot of confidence to do anything."
Katherine Rhoden 

Rhoden is not the only one that believes clothes can make or break a person's mood. French exchange student Annabel Dominault also agrees by saying how people who are usually unhappy tend to gravitate toward colors that can portray sadness like black or grey.
Annabel Dominault

According to this article from bodyandsoul.com research is being conducted to support this idea. The article talks about how research has already been done about women attaching emotions to clothing based on past experiences that happened when wearing them. When Rhoden is feeling her absolute best she says that she is usually wearing, "skinny jeans and boots.